KVK Longding Conducted Training on Integrated Disease and Pest Management in Citrus.

Citrus being one of the important fruit crops of Longding district of Arunachal Pradesh, the management of citrus disease is very much important to achieve highest return from citrus cultivation. Keeping these facts in view, KVK Longding and Dept. of Agriculture, Arunachal Pradesh jointly organized one day training programme on integrated disease and pest management in Citrus. The key objective of the training is to broaden the participant’s knowledge on integrated disease and pest Management of Citrus. Altogether 30 farmers including rural youth and women participated in the training programme. Dr. Senpon Ngomle, Subject Matter Specialist (Plant Protection) coordinator of the training programmed delivered his lecture in details about integrated disease and pest management of Citrus. He emphasized more on organic management methods such as use of bio control agents, botanicals, selection of healthy and disease free seedlings and asks them to go for scientific package and practices of Citrus cultivation. The farmers appreciated the training programme and request KVK officials to organize such training programme in near future. The programme was followed by method demonstration on Bordeaux mixture preparation and its application.


Glimpses of activity
Group photo of training programme
Demonstration of Bordeaux Mixture preparation
Application of Bordeaux